Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Six Grammar Reminders for Journalism Majors
Six Grammar Reminders for Journalism Majors Just starting out with aà journalistic writing? Youre probably struggling with the insane amount of grammar and spelling rules. English courses are challenging, but theres nothing like mastering the complex art of journalism. Its a whole new world, and its scary out there. Below are six grammar reminders to help you along the way (also you read an article about major rules in journalistic writing). Write these down and keep track of your progress you can even create a grammar journal, if you want to stay ahead of the game. Most students struggle with these changes. If youââ¬â¢re one of them, youre not alone. Lets get started. 1. Use real quotation marks, rather than foot markers Believe it or not, many computers automatically insert foot markers (the measurements of feet and inches) rather than actual quotation marks. This will drive your professors insane, if you dont make alterations before turning in your piece. Fonts like Times New Roman will generate foot markers instead of quotation marks. Youll notice the difference because foot markers are straight lines, rather than curved quotes. Monitor this closely, and mess with the settings on your computer. Sometimes, its just a matter of changing your font. Other times, youll need to make the change manually. 2. Frame your quotes correctly Many college students dont know how to properly format their quotes. Below are a few examples of the wrong format: ââ¬Å"The dog jumped over the moon,â⬠She said. ââ¬Å"the dog jumped over the moon.â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"The dog jumped over the moonâ⬠, she said. Okay, letââ¬â¢s just get a few things straight. First of all, the first letter of a quote is always capitalized. Secondly, unless an exclamation point or a question mark are involved, the comma always goes between the last word in the quote and the ending quotation marks. And, finally, the pronoun (in this case ââ¬Å"sheâ⬠) is always lowercase (unless, of course, itââ¬â¢s a proper noun like ââ¬Å"Julieâ⬠). It should really look like this: ââ¬Å"The dog jumped over the moon,â⬠she said. Because so many novelists and essayists allow their work to be published without proper quotation editing, many young writers are confused about how it should look. Journalistically, the method given above is the proper print method. 3. Avoid long, rambling sentences Notice my sentence in the previous section: ââ¬Å"Because so many novelists and essayists allow their work to be published without proper quotation editing, many young writers are confused about how it should look.â⬠This sentence is far too long for a journalistic article. Youââ¬â¢d need to say something more like: ââ¬Å"Many novelists publish their work without proper quotation editing. Because of this, young writers are often confused about how it should look.â⬠One long, rambling sentence should become two or three short, succinct sentences. 4. Theyre, Their, and There Letââ¬â¢s quickly review the uses of these three terms. ââ¬Å"Theirâ⬠involves possession. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"Their home was beautiful.â⬠ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢reâ⬠is a contraction, meaning ââ¬Å"they areâ⬠. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢re going to the beach.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thereâ⬠involves a place or a sense of being. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"There is a beautiful home by the beach.â⬠You need to be especially careful when using these words in stories, because your editor will explode after two or three transgressions. 5. Than versus Then Another quick review. ââ¬Å"Thanâ⬠involves a comparison. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"She likes soda more than milk.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thenâ⬠involves a sequence, meaning ââ¬Å"nextâ⬠or ââ¬Å"thereforeâ⬠. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢re going to the beach, then to the movies.â⬠6. Effect versus Affect Our final review is one of my personal favorites. I canââ¬â¢t even begin to tell you how many journalism students confuse these two words. ââ¬Å"Effectâ⬠means a consequence. Itââ¬â¢s a noun, or a thing. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"Her anxiety was an effect of her previous relationship.â⬠ââ¬Å"Affectâ⬠means that something is being ââ¬Å"hadâ⬠. Or an effect is being made. For example, you might say: ââ¬Å"Her anxiety is affecting her schoolwork.â⬠Most of the time, ââ¬Å"affectâ⬠is used as a present-tense verb, or ââ¬Å"affectingâ⬠. Usually, this trick helps students remember the difference between the two. When it comes to journalism, professors are extremely picky about the pieces their students turn in, specifically when it comes to grammar and spelling. Using the wrong word too many times can be the difference between moving up and staying where you are on a newspaper staff. Keep this in mind as you take more advanced courses. The most important thing in journalism is professionalism. Youââ¬â¢ll need to remember that. Good luck!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Marc Anthonys Speech essays
Marc Anthonys Speech essays In this implausible story of Caesar, individual named Marc Anthony used numerous ways to make the boisterous crowd sway to his side. To make the crowd feel bad about what they have done by deceiving Caesar he came up with some methods to make the crowd Join him in his fight to avenged Caesars death. All of these ideals help Marc Anthonys speech to make the crowd join Marc Anthony. In this speech he uses the greed of the voracious people, by using Caesars will, irony in his speech, and also uses reverse-psychology. In his speech he uses the greed of the crowd by using Caesarswill. When Marc Anthony said his speech he uses the greed of the crowd by using Caesars will. When Marc Anthony said his speech he uses the crowds impatience to hear his speech. He kept delaying what Caesar planned in his will for the people. When he read the will the people felt at fault what happen to the great Caesar. They found out that Caesar wasnt a power hungry leader but a caring leader to his people. Marc Anthony uses the greed of the befuddled crowd to let them think about what Caesar did for them. When Marc Anthony said the speech, he said it with great irony. When Marc was saying the speech he used passion so the crowd can tell how much marc Anthony loved Caesar. When Marc Anthony spoke with irony it got the attention of a lot of the people in the crowd who was listing to Marc Anthony say his speech when using passion in his speech Marc Anthony made the crowd think about their death of the Ruler of Rome. Also Marc Anthony uses the concept of reverse psychology on the crowd too. When the crowd was listening to Marc Anthony, he uses some of the things that Caesar did do wrong. But then he switched it off by saying the goods that Caesar did do for the people of Rome. When the crowd heard this they should have been mad at Brutus. When he used the concept of reverse psychology it made the crowd thin...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Agricultre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Agricultre - Essay Example Several benefits accrue to the agricultural revolution over the traditional hunting and gathering. The most important aspect of agriculture is that it significantly improved the diet of man from a homogeneous protein flesh of animals to multiple plant nutrients like in cereals, carbohydrates, fats and oil. Modern civilization is a product of agriculture in which the socio-political structure of the society began to take hierarchy and administrative government was formed. This has metamorphosed to contemporary governments and democratic politics. Besides, several inventions of man can be attributed to agrarian revolution in Europe and parts of Asia like Mesopotamia. Unlike hunting and foraging, technical skills were critical for agricultural sustainability hence development of several scientific production technique that defines contemporary management principles. Agriculture takes central position in the society as far as survival of people is concerned as compared to the traditional ly limited hunting and foraging sources. Despite much praises on agriculture, it has significantly cost the society the beauty of nature and distorted ecosystem. Human being has significantly encroached into the historically beautiful and self-sustaining ecosystem to expand agricultural production with massive destruction of nature. Civilization as a consequence of Agriculture is haunting the society through increased occupation of any available space in urban and rural areas resulting to other economic activities that promotes pollutions.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Losses jobs during the recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Losses jobs during the recession - Essay Example Daily there is rapid shedding of jobs. There is a very sharp fall of oil and crop prices. The most affected are the people who do not have a college degree. There is a fall in construction work, retail market in addition to hotel work. Home investors and home owners have suffered great losses that cannot be compared to the social security checks that renters and retirees depend on (Leonhardt, 2009). El Centro city in California State has been adversely affected by the great depression as referred by others. About 22.5 % of its population has suffered from the cruel hand of unemployment. El Centro has not only suffered from the brutality of recession but also from drought. Housing problem has also joined the two troubles the state has. House helps have not escaped the axe of unemployment. Many employers have opted to take their children who are very young to avoid having baby sitters. Those mothers that are no longer employed would rather do the house work than employ house maids. All these developing trends due to the recession are resulting to inequality. The great depression crashed the stock market. This affected the wealthy and the middle class families greatly. Additionally, more people lost jobs and more are on the verge of losing top and well-paying jobs. For example, the study by Leonhardt (2009) reveals that the recession affected the Wall Street employees and so a large percentage of them lost their jobs. In a bid reduce inequality, the Obama administration has taken a stem that franklin Roosevelt took during the 90s depression of increasing the taxes of the wealthy. Critics point out that increasing tax on the rich will only benefit one side, the poor. This step had enormous effects. The third key thing is very important because unlike during the great depression, students do not to leave school to work as labourers in different places. They will pursue education that will in turn help in curbing the loss of jobs during recess. As mentioned
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Procedures Involved in Fracking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Procedures Involved in Fracking - Research Paper Example Though many officials and researchers have credited fracking and claimed that it will improve the economy by reducing energy costs and creating more jobs, the data is greatly exaggerated and this paper will reveal the actual facts of the subject matter. Even before taking fracking into consideration, environmentalists have already expressed great concern on the level of industrial pollution and this process will only increase the adverse effects that society has been trying to reduce. Taking all the scientific evidence into consideration, it is clear that hydraulic fracturing is a hazardous process that should not be a part of modern day society, and in detail, this paper will further solidify this point. Firstly, the paper will illustrate the methodologies utilized during hydraulic fracturing. The process involves the injection of high-pressure fluids deep into the rock layers. This leads to the formation of fissures within the layers of the rock formation. This leads to an increase in the flow of natural gas, in turn, increases the amount of gas that is available for extraction. One of the main areas of concern is the composition of the fluids that are used in the extraction process. In fact, several states have created laws to regulate the number of harmful additives that are used in this process. For example, Barer and Gordon reported that the legislation in Texas requires fracking companies to send a list of the ingredients used in the fracking to the residents living near the drilling sites (par. 1). The major component of fracking fluids is water. It also contains a solid component in the form of ceramic or sand beads. The components which mainly bring a concern to the public are the chemical additives, which are sometimes toxic.
Friday, November 15, 2019
English Language Education Is Critical For Hong Kong
English Language Education Is Critical For Hong Kong Hong Kong is a former British crown colony ,and is currently a Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China. Hong Kong had been a British crown colony for more than 100 years (Hong Kong). Hong Kongs legal system, financial system, educational system, and culture have been influenced by the British, and Hong Kong is now one of the important financial centres in Asia (Meyer 219). Hong Kongs official language is mandated as Chinese and English according to the Basic Law (Hong Kong). After the return of sovereignty to China, Hong Kongs secondary education system shifted twice, in 1997 nearly eighty percent of the schools were forced to use Chinese as a medium of instruction (MoI) known as the mother-tongue education policy (Choi 673-674). In 2008, the secondary schools were assigned their MoI with the reference to the admission grades of grade 6 students known as the fine-tuning policy (Suen 1). Medium of Instruction is defined as a language variety which is used in edu cational settings for purposes of teaching and learning (Medium of Instruction).There have been repercussions among the stakeholders of the educational system including parents, university professors, corporations, etc., as students English competency has been declined due to the education policy change (Flowerdew Li and Miller). Thus, should English should be used as a MoI in hong Kong secondary and tertiart education? English should be used rather than Chinese in secondary and post-secondary education because it can foster economic development (Ng 1), it is beneficial for student career paths (Flowerdew, Li and Miller 206), and it is an international language (Shen 112). Hong Kong language education policy has long been a political issue rather than an educational issue (Tsui et al. 200). Under the rule of the Great Britain, colonial educational policy has been adopted (Flowerdew, Li, and Miller 204). This is used for educating a small group of local elites who act as the middleperson between the British officials and the local Hong Kong citizens (Flowerdew, Li, and Miller 205). For elementary education, schools are under the laissez-faire policy, which the schools can pick and choose their own MoI (Lai and Byram 316). From secondary to post-secondary level, English is mostly used as the MoI. Flowerdew, Li ,and Miller has indicated that during the 1980s, 90% of the secondary schools are used in English. At the same time, the colonial Hong Kong government had disagreed with the mixed-mode approach on teaching, which is described as using Cantonese to explain terms and definitions, and using English on teaching and testing materials (Flowerdew, Li, and Miller 205). In the early 1990s, the colonial government had increased the number of universities in order to meet the demand of the needs of the professionals in the flourishing economy (Flowerdew, Li, and Miller 206). The number of universities had increased from two to eight, and six out of eight are used English as MoI for lectures and tutorials. On 1997, Hong Kong became a part of the Chinese territory. On September, 1997, the mother-tongue education policy had been enforced (Lee 13). Only 114 secondary schools are allowed to use English as MoI, and more than 300 secondary schools had to use Chinese as MoI (Lee 13). On 2008, fine-tuning policy had been enforced, as the Hong Kong government tried to eliminate the negative labelling effect of the English and the Chinese schools (Suen 6). Even though currently Hong Kong is a part of the Chinese territory, English should be used as the MoI in the secondary and post-secondary education system. First, English as MoI can boost the economic growth of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of the Asias international financial centres, and English is commonly used as the medium of communication in Business, the local workforce has to be fluent in English to communicate with investors and clients (Lee 98). The future generation are exposed more to the English language environment because MoI is English. Because of this, the prospective international companies may consider Hong Kong as the regional headquarters which can strengthen economic development, and create more jobs . Besides, as Chinas economy is growing rapidly, many international corporations see Hong Kong as a gateway to China (Lee 98). China opens its door to the world in the mid-1980s, Hong Kong has firstly became as an entrepot, and now becomes the middleperson between Chi na and the world. Entrepot is defined as a centre at which goods are received for subsequent distribution (Entrepot). In order to keep the current position as the middleperson and the gateway of China, English is more important than ever. Moreover, using English as MoI can train students to think in the language and use as a lingua franca, so that they can easily adapt the western cultures and beliefs (Ng 5). Lingua franca is any form of language serving as a means of communication between speakers of different languages (Lingua franca). That can make international corporations to enter Hong Kong at ease because citizens are already exposed to the western cultures and thoughts. Second, English as MoI is critical to student career prospective. In the competitive city like Hong Kong, higher foreign language ability, for example, English can ensure a secured employment and financial future for the students (Lee 25). As mentioned above, Hong Kong is an international city, and English is used as MoI in university, it is crucial for students to use English as MoI. When the mother-tongue education policy is compulsorily implemented, some parents broke into tears that their children cannot go to those English schools (Lee 26). Apart from that, university lecturers from the City University of Hong Kong also complained that students English ability is weak, sometimes the situation makes lecturers difficult to communicate with their fellow students and explore new ideas with their students (Flowerdew, Li ,and Miller 213). As a whole, this can dampen the knowledge that students receive, and affect the creditability of the Hong Kong university graduates. Flowerdew, Li, and Miller quoted from different surveys that secondary school students, university students, and teaching professionals are prone to English as MoI (qtd. in Pennington and Yue; Hylan; Lin et al.; Richard, Tung, and Ng). Lau, a secondary school English department chair also indicated English is important for students future in the long-run. Therefore, Hong Kong government should use English as MoI in secondary and post-secondary education. Third, English is an international language. International language is described as a language that can achieve a genuinely global status, when it develops a special role that is recognized in every country (Nunan 590). English is a lingua franca because it is widely used in world politics, telecommunications, business, mass media, technology, and education (Shen 113). For international relations, there are 85 percent of the world organizations using English. For popular music, 99 percent of the work is in English (Shen 113). In order to broaden students horizons, education in Hong Kong should be used in English as MoI. By broadening their horizons, students learning can be enhanced. On the contrary, there are challenges on using English as MoI. Although English as MoI benefits students, first language teaching is the most effective way to learn (Suen). First language is defined as the first language that an individual learns, also known as L1 (First language). On the other hand, using English as MoI will create the rising of elitism which refers to a description of attitudes that are ascribed to a higher social class, or to anyone in a superordinate position (elitism; Flowerdew, Li, and Miller). Hong Kong is well-known for its social strata gap. According to the Gini index, which is an index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country, Hong Kong has ranked in 17 among 135 countries, and Hong Kong has the highest rank among developed nations (Distribution of family income- Gini index). If English again has been enforced as the MoI, the gap between the rich and the poor will be widened, and the situation will create social u nrest. Despite the fact that English as MoI has its disadvantages, its benefits still outweigh the disadvantages. Hong Kong educational system should be used English as the Medium of Instruction not only in secondary and post-secondary schools, but also in elementary schools or even pre-schools. Hong Kong government should examine ways to develop English as the L1 for their citizens, and they should learn the experience from Singapore (Ng). Hong Kong government should also maintain a consistent and sustainable education system. As I have said, Hong Kong has shifted its educational system at least twice over the past 10 years. In order to produce a knowledgeable workforce, a stable system should be used. Before making any changes to the educational system, Hong Kong government should examine the pros and cons of the changes to the educational system thoroughly and publish the policy in a more transparent way. Format: MLA/ Word Count: 1484 Work Cited Ash, Robert. Hong Kong in Transition: One Country, Two Systems. Taylor Francis, 2002. My Library. Web.20 Nov. 2010 Choi, Po King. The best students will learn English: ultra-utilitarianism and linguistic imperialism in education in post-1997 Hong Kong. Journal of Education Policy 18.6 (2003): 673-694. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Distribution of family income Gini index. CIA World Factbook. Washington: CIA, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. elitism. The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Credo Reference. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. entrepot. The Penguin Dictionary of Economics. London: Penguin, 2003. Credo Reference. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. first language. A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press, 2004. Credo Reference. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Flowerdew, John, David Li, and Lindsay Miller. Attitudes Towards English and Cantonese Among Hong Kong Chinese University Lecturers. TESOL Quarterly 32.2 (1998): 201-31. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Distribution of family income Gini index. CIA World Factbook. Washington: CIA, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 12 December 2010. Gow, Lyn, and Others And. The Effects of English Language Ability on Approaches to Learning. RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia 22.1 (1991): 49-68. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Hong Kong. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Ultimate Reference Suite.Ã Chicago:Ã Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2009. Ingham, Michael. Hong Kong: A Cultural History. Oxford University Press USA, 2007. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. Language (Hong Kong). Encyclopedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English. London: Routledge, 2005. Credo Reference. Web. 09 Dec. 2010. Lau, Tony.Ã My philosophy and reflections regarding English Language education KLA.Ã Hong Kong: Tak Sun Secondary School, 2003. Web. Lee, Tony Tung Kiu.Ã The debate on change of medium of instruction in Hong Kong secondary schools.Ã Diss. University of Toronto (Canada), 2003. Dissertations Theses: Full Text, ProQuest. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. lingua franca. A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press, 2004. Credo Reference. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. medium of instruction (MoI). A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. Edinburg: Edinburgh University Press, 2004. Credo Reference. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Meyer, David R.. Hong Kong as a Global Metropolis. Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography. Cambridge University Press, 2000. My library. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Ng, Eng Hen. Ministry of Education, Singapore: Speeches. Singapore Government, 17 August 2008. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. Nunan, David. The Impact of English as a Global Language on Educational Policies and Practices in the Asia-Pacific Region. TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect 37.4 (2003): 589-613. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 9 Dec. 2010. Shen, Qi. Globalization of English and English Language Policies in East Asia: a Comparative perspective. Canadian Social Science 5.3 (2009): 111-120. Canadian Reference Centre. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Suen, Michael. EDB- Speeches and Articles by Security for Education. The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region , 16 Feb. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Tsang, Steve. A Modern History of Hong Kong. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2003. Net Library. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. Tsui, Amy B. M., et al. Which Agenda? Medium of Instruction Policy in Post-1997 Hong Kong. Language, Culture, and Curriculum 12.3 (1999): 196-214. MLA International Bibliography. EBSCO. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. Yau, Elaine. HKIEd tunes in to the fine-tuning of English language presentation. South China Morning Post 17 Jan. 2009. General OneFile. Web. 21 Nov.2010.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Black Consciousness in the Twentieth Century Essay
Ralph Ellison began his 1952 novel with the sentence; ââ¬Å"I am an invisible man.â⬠(Ellison 3) These five words summed up the way in which the majority of Black Americans felt about their place in society at the time. The Civil Rights Movement was still years away, and the caste of American society had placed the Black American near the bottom. The book is in the first person narrative, narrated by a man who considers himself by societyââ¬â¢s view point to be invisible because of his race. à à à à à à à à à à à The self-awareness of the Black American was limited to only what the white establishment would allow ââ¬â and in the majority of the country, that was very little. However, the essence for the change that would occur had already been born. The awakening, in the late 1950s, of the Black American would take place in religion, politics, self-awareness and literature. This would become exemplified by the manner in which women in the black communities were treated. The rise of domestic violence was an issue, even in 1950s America ââ¬â and in both the homes of blacks and whites. à à à à à à à à à à à There would be, though, differences in which this awakening would manifest itself. For some, like those who would march with Martin Luther King, non-violence and pacifism would be the dominate tool to their awakening. For others, the awakening would come in the form of a religious rebirth, and strong assertion of their place in society. There was a responsibility being neglected in the role of the black male to uphold his place of caregiver to his wife and family ââ¬â as well as to the community as a whole. This was an important issue to realize, as the teachings of Islam would tell. ââ¬Å"The white man wants black men to stay immoral, unclean, an ignorantâ⬠. (223). During the course of the novel the protagonists lists ways in which he has become invisible and the reaction he stirs within society because of his ââ¬Ëblacknessââ¬â¢, and as Ellis illustrates in the prologue of the book, ââ¬Å"I live rent-free in a building rented strictly to whites, in a section of the basement that was shut off and forgotten during the nineteenth century.â⬠(Ellis prologue).à The narrator goes on to state that light is a necessity for him since light to him is equivalent to truth (much as it was in Platoââ¬â¢s cave ââ¬â so here the reader gains a sense of philosophy and of intelligence from the narrator). Throughout the course of the events that aid in defining the narrator the major first event occurs on his collegeââ¬â¢s campus.à The epiphany that the invisible man has during this time is that a black man whom he had once aspired to be like (i.e. to leave a legacy for his college) is not at all worthy of his aspiration but instead is merely a black man who has disguised himself enough to be able to ââ¬Ësurviveââ¬â¢ in the white dominated society.à Thus, the invisible man has his first exposure to mis-identities and the almost innate need that black men feel they have to become someone else in order to be a part of white society. In another act of deception in the book, the narrator (after a boiler room ââ¬Ëaccidentââ¬â¢) is hospitalized; during a state of consciousness he discovers that he has been experimented upon with shock treatment without his knowledge.à This is a severe breach of his constitutional rights as well as his humanity.à Thus, the narrator finds out that he is not considered to be human, or even subhuman but rather a thing, an object, a less than real entity whose presence is a constant element of scorn and fear to the white race (at least through each of the experiences the invisible man has had with white people). Thus, not only is he destroyed through the perception of white people but through his own culture and race as Dr. Bledsoe has given the invisible man letters of recommendation whose intent was merely to waylay the invisible man from coming back to college and to not (as the invisible man had thought was their intention) to get him a job.à Therefore the invisible man is hoodwinked by a person whom he thought he could trust and this leads him to further epiphanies of himself and his race and eitherââ¬â¢s misconception. The novel is truly about self-awareness through objective perception.à Although the narrator finds brief solace with the Brotherhood and brother Jack (a black organization seeking to unite the black community in New York), this soon turns into another form of hate through jealousy.à The narratorââ¬â¢s position is replaced and he travels outside of Harlem only to return and find his friend dead.à Despite efforts to try and unite the Brotherhood again, the narrator is soon forced to recognized his grandfatherââ¬â¢s maxim, ââ¬Å"over come ââ¬â¢em with yeses, undermine ââ¬â¢em with grins, agree ââ¬â¢em to death and destruction. . .â⬠(Ellis). The novel is about a man whose invisibility is plagues by mis-identity, and whose overall undertones of outside prejudices define his life as well as his identity up to a point.à The ââ¬Ëyes manââ¬â¢ that his grandfather advised him to do was a type of camouflage technique in which a man can exist wholly without being noticed by being, in essence, no one at all ââ¬â by becoming invisible in order to survive.à The sacrifice that the invisible man does is to waylay his hopes and dreams in order to be nothing so that he may survive, not be gunned down by either Brother Jack or by the police.à In essence Ellisââ¬â¢ book contributed greatly to the recognition of the black consciousness and the state of the Civil Rights movement in order for blacks to not be invisible in order to exist. WORKS CITED Ellison, Ralph. The Invisible Man. Random House Inc. New York. à à à à à à à à à 1952. Gates, Henry Louis. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism.à à à à à à à à à à New York: Oxford UP, 1988. Klein, Marcus. After Alienation: American Novels in Mid-Century. New York: World, 1964. McSweeney, Kerry. Invisible Man: Race and Identity. Boston: Twayne, 1988.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Impact of Technology on Family Time
Title: the impact of technology on family time Do you think technology has changed the way of communication? Is technology slowly taking over people live and affecting their personal relationship? Have we become addicted to the technology that surrounds us everyday and it has sucked us into it? Technology is a use of scientific knowledge for improving the way to do things. It has been playing an important role in our life. It is common today, many developed countries are using high technology to run their works as well as many advance technologies are invented productively to the need of society.This can be seen, technology has become a part of our life in order to do our works more fast and accurate. As we know, every institution has it own machine which has replaced human physical to produce more output. Technology brings lots of benefits to people unfortunately it also brings negative effect impact to a family. In this essay, I would be discussing about how technology impacts on f amily. Firstly, letââ¬â¢s begin with how advanced technology has meant that family life has changed.This is meaning to say that parents and children have lesser interaction to each other because they used to do spend their time with technology like Laptop, PSP, games on the internet, TV and so on. It is because children no longer spend time playing and engaging in activities with their parents or siblings. For example, when we were young, we did not need any internet games to whereas we had our own game which is traditional games. It can actually build up a positive relationship between parents and children but these traditional games are slowly replaced by the current technology that can bring lots of fun.This example makes it clear that, advanced technology has replaced the traditional games which could create more interaction among family and friends. Unfortunately, children today are likely to play with technology instead of traditional games. ââ¬Å"During the evening, when parents used to sit and talk together or amuse their children, they now sit in front of a computer. It would seem that technology may have helped family life to deteriorateâ⬠(Johnston 2010). It is obvious that, the impact of technology could deteriorate a family because they are addicted to the current technology.Secondly, technology is slowly changing the way we communicate with others and affecting our personal relationship. It has left us with the chance to meet people in a much easier ways. Most people, both children and adults spend quite a lot of time in texting friends and relatives, wasting money and using text- speak as a way to communicate. Take Facebook as example, making a friend is now on a finger click, to gain a new friend you simply click on ââ¬Å" add as friendâ⬠and the other person accepts or denies you. We are in the next wave of technology, where communicating with parents or friends is all on the internet and instantly done. New social networking si tes are popping up everyday and people are taking advantage of them. You can see their away messages online and see what children are doing at that very instant. â⬠(Gupta 2011) When looking at this example, there is no doubt that it has led us to our hypothesis. If a child is heavy users of social networking sites then it will have a negative impact on their personal relationships. Thus, parents and children seem to spend less time in each otherââ¬â¢s company and the time they do spend together often involves playing computer games or watching television.Most children are not getting enough exercise in todayââ¬â¢s society, generally because parents canââ¬â¢t be bothered to take their children to the park, while being afraid of letting their children play outside by themselves. For many parents, being able to get in contact with their children by phone isnââ¬â¢t enough. Children will therefore spend most of their time hidden away in their bedroom, watching DVDs or p laying computer games, while their parents sit around the house doing nothing particularly constructive with their time. Technology is supposed to make life easier and give people more free time, but it seems that technology has undermined family life, actually eating into peopleââ¬â¢s time and affecting family relationships in a negative way. â⬠(Wilkinson 2011) In conclusion, technology brings many benefits to people today, without technology people canââ¬â¢t do work more productively and efficiency. However, it has negative impact to human either. Interaction between family and friends are getting lesser and lesser.Although there are also advantages to having so much technology at your fingertips families may want to weigh up pros and cons to make sure that they achieve an even balance between a quality family lives. In my opinion, I would use technology to go my works but I will not let technology to influence my family and friendsââ¬â¢ relationship. 0104896 (Jonat han Kuek SzeGuan) Title: the impact of technology on family time Do you think technology has changed the way of communication? Is technology slowly taking over people live and affecting their personal relationship?Have we become addicted to the technology that surrounds us everyday and it has sucked us into it? Technology is a use of scientific knowledge for improving the way to do things. It has been playing an important role in our life. It is common today, many developed countries are using high technology to run their works as well as many advance technologies are invented productively to the need of society. This can be seen, technology has become a part of our life in order to do our works more fast and accurate. As we know, every institution has it own machine which has replaced human physical to produce more output.Technology brings lots of benefits to people unfortunately it also brings negative effect impact to a family. In this essay, I would be discussing about how techn ology impacts on family. Firstly, letââ¬â¢s begin with how advanced technology has meant that family life has changed. This is meaning to say that parents and children have lesser interaction to each other because they used to do spend their time with technology like Laptop, PSP, games on the internet, TV and so on. It is because children no longer spend time playing and engaging in activities with their parents or siblings.For example, when we were young, we did not need any internet games to whereas we had our own game which is traditional games. It can actually build up a positive relationship between parents and children but these traditional games are slowly replaced by the current technology that can bring lots of fun. This example makes it clear that, advanced technology has replaced the traditional games which could create more interaction among family and friends. Unfortunately, children today are likely to play with technology instead of traditional games. During the ev ening, when parents used to sit and talk together or amuse their children, they now sit in front of a computer. It would seem that technology may have helped family life to deteriorateâ⬠(Johnston 2010). It is obvious that, the impact of technology could deteriorate a family because they are addicted to the current technology. Secondly, technology is slowly changing the way we communicate with others and affecting our personal relationship. It has left us with the chance to meet people in a much easier ways.Most people, both children and adults spend quite a lot of time in texting friends and relatives, wasting money and using text- speak as a way to communicate. Take Facebook as example, making a friend is now on a finger click, to gain a new friend you simply click on ââ¬Å" add as friendâ⬠and the other person accepts or denies you. We are in the next wave of technology, where communicating with parents or friends is all on the internet and instantly done. ââ¬Å"New s ocial networking sites are popping up everyday and people are taking advantage of them. You can see their away messages online and see what children are doing at that very instant. (Gupta 2011) When looking at this example, there is no doubt that it has led us to our hypothesis. If a child is heavy users of social networking sites then it will have a negative impact on their personal relationships. Thus, parents and children seem to spend less time in each otherââ¬â¢s company and the time they do spend together often involves playing computer games or watching television. Most children are not getting enough exercise in todayââ¬â¢s society, generally because parents canââ¬â¢t be bothered to take their children to the park, while being afraid of letting their children play outside by themselves.For many parents, being able to get in contact with their children by phone isnââ¬â¢t enough. Children will therefore spend most of their time hidden away in their bedroom, watchin g DVDs or playing computer games, while their parents sit around the house doing nothing particularly constructive with their time. ââ¬Å"Technology is supposed to make life easier and give people more free time, but it seems that technology has undermined family life, actually eating into peopleââ¬â¢s time and affecting family relationships in a negative way. â⬠(Wilkinson 2011)In conclusion, technology brings many benefits to people today, without technology people canââ¬â¢t do work more productively and efficiency. However, it has negative impact to human either. Interaction between family and friends are getting lesser and lesser. Although there are also advantages to having so much technology at your fingertips families may want to weigh up pros and cons to make sure that they achieve an even balance between a quality family lives. In my opinion, I would use technology to go my works but I will not let technology to influence my family and friendsââ¬â¢ relationsh ip.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Pay
The purpose of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to utilize its human resources to their maximum potential in all areas and in the process to become more competitive, profitable, and team-orientated organization in the market place. The essential goal and value of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to make all employees entrepreneurs in their areas of expertise within the company. Pay for Performance is a highly debated compensation. The contra pay for performance view that incentive plans can simply not work. The Pro pay for performance side is the opinion that there are effective incentives that really do motivate. The whole debate arises because of the very fundamental assumption that there is a direct relationship between a company?s productivity and its employees? performance. Many managers believe that incentive pay drives creativity and productivity, and that people are primarily motivated by money, whereas the counter-argument finds evidence that pay for performance plans are not only difficult to design and implement, but can even de-motivate people. Human Resource Management has become a key strategic issue of attaining competitive advantage, especially as it ties in with motivating employees to excel in their jobs and to give their utmost to take care of their clients? needs. The plan or strategy of the pay for performance program is to improve the quality, desirability, and profit line of products through the following measures: ? Establish the needs and desires of customers and company stakeholders. Represent these in the departmental or individual performance goal outline. ? Make employees aware of the individual or departmental objectives based on customer desires and how each individual can achieve the overall objectives for mutual success. ? Train all employees on the pay for performance program and objectives so they can take engage and take ownersh... Free Essays on Pay Free Essays on Pay The purpose of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to utilize its human resources to their maximum potential in all areas and in the process to become more competitive, profitable, and team-orientated organization in the market place. The essential goal and value of the pay for performance or financial incentive program is to make all employees entrepreneurs in their areas of expertise within the company. Pay for Performance is a highly debated compensation. The contra pay for performance view that incentive plans can simply not work. The Pro pay for performance side is the opinion that there are effective incentives that really do motivate. The whole debate arises because of the very fundamental assumption that there is a direct relationship between a company?s productivity and its employees? performance. Many managers believe that incentive pay drives creativity and productivity, and that people are primarily motivated by money, whereas the counter-argument finds evidence that pay for performance plans are not only difficult to design and implement, but can even de-motivate people. Human Resource Management has become a key strategic issue of attaining competitive advantage, especially as it ties in with motivating employees to excel in their jobs and to give their utmost to take care of their clients? needs. The plan or strategy of the pay for performance program is to improve the quality, desirability, and profit line of products through the following measures: ? Establish the needs and desires of customers and company stakeholders. Represent these in the departmental or individual performance goal outline. ? Make employees aware of the individual or departmental objectives based on customer desires and how each individual can achieve the overall objectives for mutual success. ? Train all employees on the pay for performance program and objectives so they can take engage and take ownersh...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Mathew
This chapter will include distinguishing characteristics of Matthewââ¬â¢s Gospel as well as major elements in Matthewââ¬â¢s Gospel which Mark does not have such as the Infancy Narrative and the Sermon on the Mount. In addition there will be a section on parables as Matthew contains so many. Three historical factors contribute to the writing of Matthewââ¬â¢s gospel: 1. A delay in the parousia as indicated in Mt. 24:14 and 28:16-18, in which the disciples are told to go to all nations and into the whole world to teach and baptize, indicating an indefinite postponement. 2. The destruction of the temple in 70 C.E. (referred to in a parable in 22:7) caused the loss of temple worship. The Pharisees took over the leadership of Judaism and led to the re-expression of Jewish life through Rabbinic writings known as Mishna and Talmud. Pharisees helped to make Jewish life comprehensible without the Temple by focusing on the consecration of everyday activities. While Pharisees were claiming that their lifestyle and teachings were the fulfillment of Jewish life, Matthew was claiming that Jesus was the fulfillment of Jewish life. Therefore, Matthew and the Pharisees were competing for the same audience for recruits. Matthew connects Jesus repeatedly to Jewish prophecy throughout the text. 3. This is also the churchââ¬â¢s book. Its stress on church authority may have contributed to its placement first in the New Testament. As the church grew, it developed regulations (18:15-20). Here, the gospel gives the church authority for settling disciplinary issues. In chapter 16 authority is given to Peter. In addition in Matthew (16:5-12, 14:33), the disciples look much better than in Mark (18:14-21, 6:52), preparing the way for the new churchââ¬â¢s leaders to be respected. In Mark the disciples do not understand who Jesus is, but in Mark they not only understand that Jesus is Son of God but also worship him(Mt.14:33). The establishment of c... Free Essays on Mathew Free Essays on Mathew This chapter will include distinguishing characteristics of Matthewââ¬â¢s Gospel as well as major elements in Matthewââ¬â¢s Gospel which Mark does not have such as the Infancy Narrative and the Sermon on the Mount. In addition there will be a section on parables as Matthew contains so many. Three historical factors contribute to the writing of Matthewââ¬â¢s gospel: 1. A delay in the parousia as indicated in Mt. 24:14 and 28:16-18, in which the disciples are told to go to all nations and into the whole world to teach and baptize, indicating an indefinite postponement. 2. The destruction of the temple in 70 C.E. (referred to in a parable in 22:7) caused the loss of temple worship. The Pharisees took over the leadership of Judaism and led to the re-expression of Jewish life through Rabbinic writings known as Mishna and Talmud. Pharisees helped to make Jewish life comprehensible without the Temple by focusing on the consecration of everyday activities. While Pharisees were claiming that their lifestyle and teachings were the fulfillment of Jewish life, Matthew was claiming that Jesus was the fulfillment of Jewish life. Therefore, Matthew and the Pharisees were competing for the same audience for recruits. Matthew connects Jesus repeatedly to Jewish prophecy throughout the text. 3. This is also the churchââ¬â¢s book. Its stress on church authority may have contributed to its placement first in the New Testament. As the church grew, it developed regulations (18:15-20). Here, the gospel gives the church authority for settling disciplinary issues. In chapter 16 authority is given to Peter. In addition in Matthew (16:5-12, 14:33), the disciples look much better than in Mark (18:14-21, 6:52), preparing the way for the new churchââ¬â¢s leaders to be respected. In Mark the disciples do not understand who Jesus is, but in Mark they not only understand that Jesus is Son of God but also worship him(Mt.14:33). The establishment of c...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Assignment Example In solving the above equation, the prevailing boundary conditions must be considered so as to ensure accuracy of the results is maintained. Due to the fact that this equation is held in a closed system, only the prevailing wall boundary conditions are of utmost importance and need to be considered for a complete simulation (Ferziger and Peric, 1999). This equation states that the acceleration, convection and pressure gradient of a fire in motion is equal to the force of gravity acting on it, body forces and the viscous forces. This equation is based on Newtonââ¬â¢s Second law of motion which holds that acceleration is directly proportional to the force exerted and the force acts in the direction of acceleration. (Wesseling, 2000) With regard to this, it is therefore important to note that when solving this equation, both the prevailing inlet and outlet boundary conditions must be put into consideration. This ensures that these can be used to compute the acceleration as well as the momentum. This equation states that the temperature rise of a flame coupled with the convective heat transfer is equal to the change in pressure over the same time plus heat released per unit volume from reaction less energy transferred to evaporating droplets and diffusion energy in addition to any other heat source3. The basis for this equation is the first law of thermodynamics which is itself an application of the principle of conservation of energy for thermodynamic and heat systems. The law holds that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Thus, the energy flowing within a CFD is maintained throughout the simulation. All the boundary conditions therefore need to be considered when solving CFD problems using this equation so as to link the surroundings and the simulation model and also define the net interchange of energy from the surroundings to the model and vice versa. Dirichlet ââ¬â This is a boundary condition that is enforced on an ordinary or partial
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reconstruction Plans History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reconstruction Plans History - Essay Example Many view this as a method of ending the war, rather than rebuilding the South, since so many issues were not touched upon thoroughly. This failure to set up long term goals definitely cost the country in the future. Johnson, on the other hand, wanted to limit the federal government's role in rebuilding the South and instead wanted to give the states the power to rebuild themselves. He believed in strong state governments, rather than federal policies that would blanket the entire area. At the same time, Johnson wanted to rebuild the South in a hurry, which also avoided any long-term goals. A major issue was that Johnson pardoned countless landowners who had been major advocates of the Confederate army and did not provide any protection for former slaves. This prevented blacks from becoming equal members of society, since the landowners were able to use their wealth to gain political power in the South. Congress then made three Constitutional amendments that were aimed at helping the reconstruction effort. These amendments abolished slavery, granted American citizenship to everyone born within the country and provided civil rights for these individuals. Later on, the 15th Amendment made it illegal to deny an individualââ¬â¢s right to vote based on skin color or race, although this did not give anyone the right to vote. This means that the states would still have control over their own elections and could still prohibit certain individuals from voting. Many blacks were prohibited from voting, which eliminated the chance of African-Americans gaining any political power. In hindsight, many different things could have been done to maximize the reconstruction effort. For starters, Lincoln needed to gain more support in the South before his policies could have a lasting effect on society. Lincolnââ¬â¢s short-term goal was to quickly unite the country, but he did not look at the long-term picture as much as he should have. By only asking 10 percent of voters in a state to pledge allegiance to the country, he was leaving a great deal of dissention to work against him later. The majority of the people in those states did not even want to rejoin the Union, which made working with them very difficult. In order to properly build the South, Lincoln needed to gain public support in the region before bringing those states into the Union. The first goal of the president at that time should have been a public relations effort to gain support throughout the South, in an effort to convince these states that joining the Union was the best course of action. To test this popularity, he could hold a referendum in the States asking if the voters want to join. This might have taken 10-15 years, but it could have created a more stable South in the end. In addition, there is no reason to believe that just because someone takes an oath, that the person would be loyal. Voting numbers would be a much better gauge than an individual pledging allegiance to a count ry that he may or may not believe in. Johnsonââ¬â¢s ideologies created many problems in the South because he wanted the federal government to wash its hands of the problem. At that time, the South needed strong central leadership because its economy was in such bad shape. Assuming that Lincolnââ¬â¢s plan had already gone through and the Southern states had been forced
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